Tanak Foundations- Concepts in Proverbs-Chapter 29

Prov 29.1-27 is another in the collection of proverbs by Solomon that were put together by King Hezekiah and his people, with more warnings and instructions.

v 1…A man who hardens his neck (refuses good counsel) after much reproof will be suddenly broken and beyond remedy (because there is nothing more you can do for him).

v 2…When the righteous increase (becomes great and in authority) the people rejoice (because the welfare of the nation is in good hands), but when the wicked man rules, the people groan (grieving because of the harm which is being done).

v 3…A man who loves wisdom makes his father glad, but he who keeps company with harlots wastes his wealth (bringing disgrace on his family).

v 4…The king gives stability to the land by justice (it is in good condition), but a man who takes bribes overthrows it (the stability of the government and the land).

v 5…A man who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his steps (a trap to keep the neighbor at a disadvantage).

v 6…By transgression an evil man is ensnared (caught in his own sin), but the righteous sings and rejoices (because they do the right thing).

v 7…The righteous is concerned for the rights of the weak (take action to secure their life, liberty, and freedom), the wicked does not understand such concern (they don’t understand such compassion for the weak because they don’t know Yehovah).

v 8…Scoffers set a city aflame (excite the passions of the people), but wise men turn away anger (work to calm things down by being peacemakers).

v 9…When a wise man has a controversy (contends) with a foolish man (trying to get his point across), the foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest (he either gets angry or laughs you off so that it is impossible to argue with him in a coherent way).

v 10…Men of bloodshed hate the blameless (because their life is a rebuke to them), but the upright are concerned for his life (to preserve the life of the upright).

v 11…A fool always loses his temper (Hebrew “rucha” or spirit, or “mind” in the KJV, meaning he lets out all his feelings), but a wise man holds it back (overcomes his anger).

v 12…If a ruler pays attention to falsehood, all his ministers become wicked (imitate him and can influence him with lies).

v 13…The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: Yehovah gives light to the eyes of both (both have understanding or revelation from Yehovah-Rom 1.18-28).

v 14…If a king judges the poor with truth, his throne will be established forever (because he gave the proper attention to his judgments and does not show partiality).

v 15…The rod and reproof gives wisdom (when properly done), but a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother (because the child has been indulged and not corrected).

v 16…When the wicked increase (become great) transgression increases (they influence others); but the righteous will see their fall (brought on by Yehovah, he is still in control).

v 17…Correct your son (with a proper rebuke and punishment) and he will give you comfort (rest).

v 18…Where there is no vision (revelation of God’s word) the people are unrestrained (lawless because they cast off the Torah-Hos 4.6; Psa 2.1-6), but happy is he who keeps the law (Torah).

v 19…A servant will not be instructed (corrected) by words (he needs more discipline), for though he understands, there will be no response (he will, not pay attention to mere words, the harsh correction will get him to respond to learn wisdom).

v 20…Do you see a man who is hasty in his words (speaks before he thinks); there is more hope for a fool than for him (impulsive speech is worse than a fool).

v 21…He who pampers his servant from childhood (makes life easy and soft, making him think he is more than what he really is) will in the end find him to be a son (he will assume the place of a son and not do servants work, waiting to supplant a son to be an heir).

v 22…An angry man stirs up strife (yields to his temper) and a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression (because there is no self-control).

v 23…A man’s pride will bring him low (he exalts himself so God resists him), but a humble spirit will obtain honor (God promotes him).

v 24…He who is a partner (splits, shares) with a thief hates his own life (being on the same level, he will partake in his punishment), he hears the oath (to tell the truth) but tells nothing (about the crime or his partner, so the punishment comes upon him).

v 25…The fear of men brings a snare (noose), but he who trusts in Yehovah will be exalted (they overcome what others want and they do what God wants).

v 26…Many seek the ruler’s favor (get his attention) but justice for man comes from Yehovah (who has the heart of the ruler in his hands and what the Lord has appointed will come to him).

v 27…An unjust man is abominable to the righteous (they will never be pleased with him), and he who is upright in the way (Torah) is abominable to the wicked (won’t have any pleasure in his presence).

Posted in All Teachings, Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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