Tanak Foundations-Concepts on the Natzal (Rapture)-Part 20

Here is what we have picked up so far. There are two days in the year that are called Yom Ha Din, the “Day of Judgment.” Those two days are Rosh Ha Shanah on Tishri 1 and Yom Kippur on Tishri 10. There will be two resurrections, the first is on Rosh Ha Shanah at the beginning of the Day of the Lord and the Birth-pains. This is a resurrection of the righteous only. The second resurrection will be on Yom Kippur at the end of the Day of the Lord. This will be for the righteous not yet resurrected who became believers during the Day of the Lord, and a resurrection for the wicked of all time. The righteous are resurrected to rewards and eternal life, and the wicked are resurrected to the Second Death.

We have also seen that there will be three books that are opened on Rosh Ha Shanah. The first book is the Book of the Tzadikim (righteous) or the Book of Life. The second is the Book of the Chata’im (sinners or average people). The third is the Book of the Rashim (wicked). The Tzadikim are resurrected on Rosh Ha Shanah as the gates of heaven open. Those that remain are given seven years to the next Yom Ha Din to turn to Yehovah when the gates of heaven close on Yom Kippur, the day when Messiah Yeshua comes to Jerusalem to reign on earth. So, on Rosh Ha Shanah the gates of heaven are opened and the books are opened. At the end of Yom Kippur the gates of heaven are closed and the books are closed.

Paul stated that the resurrection of the Tzadikim (righteous) will occur at the “last trump” or shofar. The last trump is the shofar of Rosh Ha Shanah. Therefore, the resurrection of the righteous will be on Rosh Ha Shanah, at the beginning of the Day of the Lord. Yeshua said that when he comes to Jerusalem he will send the angels out to gather in the elect with the sound of a “great trumpet” or Shofar Ha Gadol. The Shofar Ha Gadol is the shofar of Yom Kippur. Therefore, Yeshua will come to Jerusalem at his second coming on a Yom Kippur.

On Rosh Ha Shanah all men are judged. Those that are righteous are placed in the Book of the Righteous (Sefer Ha Tzadikim), also known as the Book of Life. Those that are wicked are placed into the the Book of the Wicked (Sefer Ha Rashim), also known as the Book of Perdition. When one is placed in one of the books listed above they are sealed in that book.

To really get a grasp of all this we recommend that you get a Rosh Ha Shanah Machzor (prayer book) and read all the way through it. At the end you will understand much more. Then take a Yom Kippur Machzor and read all the way through that, and you will understand what we have just presented. It will almost be automatic and you will see it all over the Scriptures, where it is repeated over and over again.

Why are there so many contrary views about the “rapture?” Well, here is what happened. When Christianity developed after 70 A.D. and the war with the Romans, non-Jews disappeared out of the Torah-based faith as it was, and began to do their own thing. They threw out all the Jewish understandings of all this by 325 A.D. and that is why we have dozens of theories about the “Rapture.” Most are not aware of all this and not following what God had laid down. Yehovah gave these things to the Jewish people so the world could look and see and understand his word and plan (Deut 4.5-8).

There is group known as the Chata’im (sinners) or average people as we have said. On Rosh Ha Shanah these are the ones that have not been deemed a Tzadik (righteous) by Yehovah nor have they been deemed a Rasha (wicked). They are given ten days (from Rosh Ha Shanah to Yom Kippur) to repent and be judged righteous by Yehovah. We call these ten days the “Yamin Noraim” or the “Days of Awe.” We will have the Day of the Lord starting on Rosh Ha Shanah, then ten days later we have the Birth-pains beginning on Yom Kippur.

You can see that anyone who has not been judged righteous on Rosh Ha Shanah has time to repent. But, you are taking a chance once the Birth-pains begin on Yom Kippur because it will be a horrible time. The death toll will be in the billions and you may not make it through the whole seven years according to Yeshua and Revelation. If one is deemed righteous by Yehovah their names are recorded in the Book of the Tzadikim (righteous). If they do not repent by Yom Kippur when Yeshua returns, they are inscribed in the Book of the Rashim (wicked). Those that are wicked are sentenced on Yom Kippur (a Yom Ha Din) in Matt 25.31-46. This judgment is like the Yom Kippur ceremony when two goats are brought before the Lord and separated, one to Yehovah and the other to Azazel.

The earth will be 6001 years old exactly on Tishri 1 (Rosh Ha Shanah), year 6001. The Birth-pains will start on a Yom Kippur, Tishri 10, and will end on a Yom Kippur, Tishri 10, seven years later according to Matt 24.29-31. This will also be a Yovel year (Jubilee) according to Isa 63.1-6.

Remember, Dan 7.9-10 is our original Rosh Ha Shanah and Yom Ha Din passage, and it says, “thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days is seated; his garment was as white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool, his throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousands and thousands were attending him, and myriads upon myriads were standing before him; the court was seated and the books were opened.” We went through the article in the Jewish Encyclopedia on the Day of Judgment and it identified this passage as being Rosh Ha Shanah.

Dan 7.19-20 says, “Then I wished to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its nails of bronze, which devoured, broke in pieces, and trampled what was left with its feet; and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up, before which three of them fell, namely that horn which had eyes and a mouth which spoke pompous words, whose appearance was greater than his fellows.” This is describing the False Messiah.

So, now look at Dan 7.21-22, “I kept looking and that horn was waging war with the saints (tzadikim) and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints (tzadikim) of the Highest One and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom.” This is Yom Ha Din Yom Kippur at the end of the Birth-pains.

Notice, Dan 7.9-10 is Yom Ha Din Rosh Ha Shanah and the Ancient of Day was seated and the court sat. But now, the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed. This is after the False Messiah, and the kingdom is now in the possession of the righteous, so this is Yom Ha Din Yom Kippur. So you can see how you determine which Yom Ha Din it is, Rosh Ha Shanah or Yom Kippur. Dan 7.23-28 is a recap of Dan 7.19-22 but with more detail. Now we are going to go to the Encyclopedia Judaica for more information.

We have a book in our library called “The Psalms in Israel’s Worship” by Sigmund Mowinckel. He is quoted in the article on Eschatology in the Encyclopedia Judaica and was a Christian. In the article on Rosh Ha Shanah, Mowinckel is referred to when it says, “More recently, however, S. Mowinckel (The Psalms in Israel’s Worship, 1 (1962, 120FF) has advanced the suggestion that there existed in pre-exilic Israel an autumnal new year festival on which God was “enthroned” as king (analogous to the Babylonian enthronement of Marduk). He claims to have found marked traces in many of the psalms to substantiate his assertion. Although Mowinckel’s thesis has won wide acceptance, it is still the subject of debate.” But everything is going to be the “subject of debate” so keep that in mind.

He says there was an enthronement new year festival in the fall. In the article on the “Day of the Lord” Mowinckel and others said the Day of the Lord was originally a new year festival. So we have this term “Day of the Lord” and we know that is is a thousand year period that some call the Messianic Kingdom, the Millenium, the Atid Lavo, Lord’s Day and the Sabbath of God. But it was also a name for the festival of Rosh Ha Shanah. This is consistent with the teaching that says we have six thousand years and then we go into the Day of the Lord, and the very festival the Day of the Lord starts on is Rosh Ha Shanah, the birthday of the world in Gen 1.2-5, the first day of creation and head (first) of the civil year. This gives us insight into Rev 1.10 where it says, “I was in the Spirit (in tune with) on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.” The Book of Revelation is all about the Birth-pains and the Messianic Kingdom. Did he see this revelation on a Sabbath, or a Rosh Ha Shanah (also called the “Lord’s Day”) which teaches about the vision he saw? And notice there is a trumpet associated with this.

In Part 21 we will pick up here.

Posted in All Teachings, Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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