Torah and New Testament Foundations-The False Messiah-Part 11

Let’s begin with a quick overview of what we have so far. Egypt and Pharaoh are types of Europe and the False Messiah. His kingdom will be made up of areas that were in the old Roman Empire. The terms Leviathan, Tannin, Rahab and Yam are used interchangeably with the False Messiah. The remnants of the United States after it is destroyed by Gog and Magog/Russia will join themselves to Europe, headed by the False Messiah. After this, Gog and Magog/Russia will have a three year war with Europe and the False Messiah, and Gog and Magog/Russia will be winning.

This will cause Gog and Magog/Russia to feel confident enough to invade Israel on Rosh Ha Shanah, year 6004 from creation. Israel will call on Europe and the False Messiah to help because of the military treaty they entered into in Dan 9.27. The Lord will prevent Europe and the False Messiah from coming to their aid. The Lord will then defeat the army of Gog and Magog/Russia in the land of Israel by Yom Kippur, ten days after they attacked. As a result of this miraculous victory, Israel will corporately believe in Yeshua as a nation. The work of the 144,000 and the Two Witnesses will be rewarded as they see their brethren come to faith in Yeshua as the Messiah.

As a result of this defeat, Gog and Magog/Russia will be severely weakened and the False Messiah will take advantage of their weakness and he will invade the land of Gog and Magog/Russia, and they will be defeated. The False Messiah will then be in control of that land. This will happen sometime between their defeat in Israel on Yom Kippur, year 6004, and Nisan 10, year 6004. The False Messiah will set up the Abomination of Desolation and do away with Temple worship on Nisan 10, causing Israel to flee into the wilderness. This date begins the latter half (1260 days) of the Birth-pains and the persecution of Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Yeshua who follow the Torah. 1260 days later we come to Yom Kippur, year 6008 and Yeshua returns to Jerusalem. The unrighteous survivors of the Birth-pains are gathered to Jerusalem first. Yeshua will be seated on the Mount of Olives for this judgment in the “Valley of Decision” and “the Valley of Jehoshaphat.” Other names for this valley and area is the Tophet and the Valley of Hinnom. The unbelievers are slain and this is the Feast of Leviathan. Then the righteous survivors of the Birth-pains will be gathered to Jerusalem for the Wedding Supper, and they will enter into the Kingdom at the Feast of Sukkot. This judgment will last five days, from Tishri 10 to Tishri 15. So, everyone will be going to a banquet when Yeshua comes.

There is an article in the Jewish Encyclopedia on “Eschatology” and there is a section called “The Banquet.” It will give much information on this subject and you can get it on the Internet. The Jewish writings are full of references about this banquet of the righteous after Messiah comes. This article goes on to say “The very name for the highest bliss of the future is the Banquet (Avot 3.16) which is the same thing as ‘sitting at the table of the Messiah’ (Rev 19.9, Luke 13.28-29, 22.30). It is called in Rabbinic literature the Se’udat Ha Lev’yi’tan (Banquet of Leviathan), that is to say, in accordance with Job 41.6 with the Habarim, or pious ones, shall hold their meal over it (see Leviathan).
It seems that the Persian ox Hadhayos, whose marrow imparts immortality to the eater (Bundahis 30.25) gave rise to the idea of the Behemoth and Leviathan meal which is dwelt on in Enoch 40.7; Syriac Apoc. Baruch 29.4; 2 Esdras 6.52; Targum Yerushalmi Numbers 11.26; Psa 104.26; the Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 74b.”

Now, you can see this Feast of Leviathan is all over the Jewish writings. We quote again from this article, “But while this eudemonistic view is the popular one, based on Isa 45.13 and Psa 18.5, there is also the higher and more spiritual view taught by Rab: ‘In the world to come there is neither eating, drinking, nor procreation, neither barter nor envy, neither hatred nor strife; but the righteous will sit with their crowns on their heads and enjoy the splendor of the Shekinah; for it is said they saw God and did eat and drink, that is, their seeing God was meat and drink to them” (Berakot 17a).

“More characteristic still is the view of Rab’s Palestinian contemporary R. Yochanon: All the bliss for the future promised by the prophets refers only to the Messianic time, whereas in regard to that which is in store for the righteous in the world to come it is said: ‘No eye has seen it beside thee, O God’ (Isa 64.4; Berakot 34b; Compare however Exodus Rabbah 45, at end, according to which God showed to Moses all the treasures in store for the doers of benevolent works). The New Testament sentence, ‘Many shall be last (there) that are first (here), and first (there) that are last (here).’ Matt 19.30 finds its explanation in the saying of a son of R. Joshua Ben Levi: ‘A contrary order of things I Have seen in the world beyond; the high in station are low there, the lowly are placed on high’ (Berakot 50a). Only in the esoteric Essene circles whence the apocalyptic literature emanated were attempted all the elaborate descriptions of Paradise that found their way into the Midrash Konen, the Ma’aseh Gan Eden, and similar midrashim of the Geonic time in Jellinek’s ‘B.H.’ 2.28, 52; but these descriptions can be traced through early Christian back to Jewish sources (see ‘J.Q.R.’ 7.595). Mystics like Nachmanides in his ‘Shaar Ha Gemuk’ adopted these views; Maimonides and his school rejected them. The whole eschatological system of retribution through Paradise and Hell never assumed in Judaism the character of dogmatic belief, and Talmudic Judaism boldly transferred the scene of the heavenly judgment form the hereafter to the annual Day of Judgment at the beginning of the year (Rosh Ha Shanah 16b; see New Year).”

So, we are going to get some dates here. Rosh Ha Shanah is a Yom Ha Din, year 6001. We have the resurrection and the gathering of the righteous. We will also have the Coronation of the Messiah on that date. Between Rosh Ha Shanah and Yom Kippur, year 6001, we have the destruction of the United States and the False Messiah takes control over Europe.

In Part 12, we will pick up here.

Posted in All Teachings, Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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