The author of this letter is not named, but tradition says it was written by Yochanon (John) the Shaliach, written near the end of the first century. Some scholars believe that it was written before the Book of Revelation, but that is speculation. the writer is dealing with the same problem as First John, false teachers and prophets, and to love the Lord and to walk in the commandments (Torah). He is exhorting a woman who is a particular “lady” of distinction and substance, and her children, and he says he is coming to see her “face to face” and she seems to have a sister. Some believe that the author is writing to a particular congregation and the members of it, but his language here does not really support that view, but it could be possible. This is a halachic commentary about walking in the Torah and to stand against false teachers. Before reading and studying any of the books of the Brit Chadasha (renewed covenant), we suggest that you read the teachings on this website called, “Torah and New Testament Foundations-Was Paul Torah Observant” and, “Torah and New Testament Foundations-The Real Paul” before proceeding with any study of these books. It will show that Paulk and the writers of these books had a Torah-based faith in Yeshua.
v 1…The elder (Hebrew “zekan” and the writer is an elder in the Messianic Community; if this is John he would be approaching 100 years old) to the chosen (elect-Eph 1.4) lady (Greek “Kyria”-possibly her name) and her children (not designated as the “elect”), whom I love in the truth (the body of doctrinal truth found in the Tanak); and not only I, but also all who know the truth (as defined in the Torah-Psa 119.142, 151, 160),
v 2…for the sake of the truth (on its behalf, on account of it) which abides (lives) in us and will be with us forever.
v 3…Grace (the source of all blessings), mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Yeshua the Messiah, the son of the Father (“bar Abbas”), in truth and love (this would be a blasphemous statement if Yeshua was not God).
v 4…I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth (Torah observant) just as we have received commandments from the Father (to walk in the Torah).
v 5…And now I ask you, lady (Greek “kyria”-possibly her name), not as writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning (Mount Sinai in Lev 19.18; the beginning of Yeshua’s ministry, etc) that we love (by action) one another.
v 6…And this is love (action), that we walk according to the commandments (John 14.15; Deut 6.4-9, 7.9-11). This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning that you should walk in it (1 Cor 11.1-2; 2 Thes 2.15, 3.6).
v 7…For many deceivers (false teachers) have gone out into the world, those (professed believers) who do not acknowledge Yeshua the Messiah coming in the flesh (denied the true nature of Yeshua as both God and man). This is the deceiver and the antichrist (one in the place of or in the position of the Messiah; forerunners of the False Messiah in the birth-pains).
v 8…Watch yourselves (beware of them), that you might not lose what we have accomplished (lose a part of their full reward by being drawn away), but that you may receive a full reward (a large, exceeding great reward-Gen 15.1).
v 9…Anyone who transgresses (goes too far) and does not abide (live) in the teaching (Torah means “teaching”) of Messiah (departing from what he taught) does not have God (their teachings and doctrines will reveal them-Matt 7.16-23); the one who abides in the teaching (this alludes to the Torah; the ark contained the commandments and was called the “ark of testimony”), he has both the Father and the Son.
v 10…If any one comes to you and does not bring this teaching (Torah as a basis), do not receive him into your house (do nothing that would look like you encourage their false teachings), and do not give him a greeting (expressing a wish for their further success in their false teachings and errors; this is called “Niddui” in Hebrew and it refers to a “ban”);
v 11…for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds (approves of their false teachings and doctrines).
v 12…Having many things to write to you, I do not want to with paper and ink, but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that your joy may be made full.
v 13…The children of your chosen (elect) sister greet you (the children of the one who was the sister of the woman in 1.1).
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