The author of this letter is not named, but tradition says it was written by Yochanon (John), the Shaliach of Yeshua. It was written to a believer named Gaius and other Torah observant believers in Yeshua, at the end of the first century. It seems the assembly of Gaius was being disturbed by an overbearing man named Diotrephes who was not accepting what the writer and others had to say. This letter is a halachic commentary on the Torah. Before reading and studying any of the books of the Brit Chadasha (renewed covenant), we suggest that you read the teachings on this website called, “Torah and New Testament Foundations-Was Paul Torah Observant” and “Torah and New Testament Foundations-The Real Paul” before proceeding with any study of these books. It will show that Paul and the writers had a Torah-based faith in Yeshua.
v 1…The elder (Hebrew “zekan”-the writer was an elder in the Messianic Community; if this was John, he would be around 100 years old) to the beloved Gaius (a personal friend) whom I love in the truth (or truly, sincerely).
v 2…Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper (act wisely in temporal things) and be in good health (in body), just as your soul (spirit, mind, heart) prospers (spiritually).
v 3…For I was very glad when brethren came and bore witness to your truth (that he walked in a Torah-based faith in Yeshua), how you are walking in truth (the Torah-Psa 119.142, 151, 160).
v 4…I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children (“tekna”-spiritual children) walking in the truth (Torah).
v 5…Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially strangers (was hospitable);
v 6…and they bear witness to your love before the assembly (“kahal”-the congregation); and you will do well to send them on their way (their journey) in a manner worthy of God.
v 7…For they went out (on their journey) for the sake of the Name (on Yehovah’s behalf) accepting nothing from the Gentiles (but depended on the aid of the believers for their support-without charge to those they were preaching among).
v 8…Therefore we ought to support such men that we may be fellow workers with the truth (not everyone can go preach, but all may give something to support those who do).
v 9…I wrote something to the assembly (about support); but Diotrephes who loves to be first among them (to be recognized), does not accept what we say (seemed to rule with force and cruelty; forced his clerical supremacy even over what the writer was saying; if this was John, he overruled what a shaliach of Yeshua said, and Yeshua knew him personally).
v 10…For this reason, if I come (to where Diotrephes was), I will call attention to his deeds (expose them to the whole assembly) which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words (evil words to destroy the writer’s intent; his idle babble), and not satisfied with this (matter, but wanting more vicious forms of evil), neither foes he himself receive the brethren (does not show hospitality that is due him), and he forbids those who desire to do so (but we influenced them not to), and puts them out of the assembly (tossed them out, excluded them from fellowship; excommunicated those who stood up to him).
v 11…Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good (1 Cor 11.1-2-don’t mimic the evil). The one who does good is of God (resembles him); the one who does evil has not seen God (spiritually).
v 12…Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself (a Torah-based believer in Yeshua); and we also bear witness (he had a good report from the writer and others), and you know our witness is true.
v 13…I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink,
v 14…but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face (mouth to mouth). Peace to you (“shalom aleichem”). The friends (of mine) greet you. Greet the friends (that were with Gaius) by name (a good shepherd knows his sheep by name).
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