This psalm is one of the most popular portions of Scripture, and David recalls his life as a shepherd during one of his trials and some Jewish scholars believe he wrote this when he was a fugitive from King Saul…
We learn from this portion that Naaman was the captain of the army of the king of Syria and an enemy of Israel and Judah, a man of valor. His name means “pleasantness” and he was a leper (meztora), and…
This is one of the most important concepts in the Scriptures to understand, but many misunderstand it. Basically, it means to “know the Lord in a redemptive way.” So when you see that phrase “know the Lord” think “in a…
Heb 10.1-39 tells us how the Torah was not designed to take away sin; how Yeshua’s death is the perfect offering for the remission of sin with the context being Yom Kippur; practical instruction and warnings are also given. v…
Heb 9.1-28 tells us that the Olam Ha Zeh has regulations for worship; blood is necessary to ratify a covenant and Messiah did this with his own blood once; thi schapter will have Yom Kippur imagery. v 1…Now even the…
Titus 3.1-15 tells us about respect for synagogue government authority, like in Rom 13; the revelation of salvation through grace and mercy; maintaining Torah observance; avoiding arguments and contentions; final exhortations. v 1…Remind them (the assembly) to be subject to…
Acts 7.1-60 describes Stephen’s defense before the Sanhedrin; their reaction to it and Stephen’s execution by stoning. v 1…And the high priest (probably Caiaphas who remained in office till 36 AD) said, “Are these things so?” v 2…And he said,…
Luke 22.1-71 tells us about the season of Pesach (Passover), Hag Ha Matzah (Unleavened Bread) and Yom Ha Bikkurim (First Fruits of the Barley). It will also reveal a plot to kill Yeshua by the chief priests and religious leaders;…
Luke 12.1-59 deals with the attitude believers should have in regard to persecution, material possessions, and eschatology and Yeshua’s return. v 1…In the meantime (while he was dealing with the scribes and the Pharisees from Beit Shammai), when there were…
This book was written by a man named Luke, a physician. He was possibly a Hellenistic Jew because Rom 3.2 says the Scriptures were entrusted to the Jewish people, and he was a companion of Paul. Not much is known…
Jonah 3.1-10 gives us the account of a second call to Jonah to go to Ninevah, and how he obeyed. This is similar to Shimon ben Yonah (Peter) who was also told a second time to go to the non-Jews…
Hosea (“Hoshea” meaning salvation) is the son of Beeri (my fountain) and was a prophet who lived in the eighth century BC, and the book covers a period of about 60 years from 785 to 725 BC, and his ministry…
Ezek 16.1-63 is a parable where Israel is seen as a female infant whose birth, life and conduct are brought out in order to show the wickedness and unfaithfulness of Yehovah’s people. It has more detail than Ezek 15. Judgments…