The Bible is full of characters that accomplished great things for Yehovah and some tend to lift up these people to a stature that even the characters themselves would be uncomfortable with. They would be the first to tell us…
In 1 Sam 17.40 David is going to fight Goliath and he picks up five smooth stones, and this is very significant in what David is doing. In the Peshat, or literal level, David is not being presumptuous here and…
A question came to us awhile back about the biblical food laws when a Christian contended with a believer in Yeshua, and went and talked with his pastor, and the pastor gave the following Scriptures to show that Christians are…
This is one of the most misunderstood portions of Scripture in the Tanak, Gospels and Epistles, so let’s get to the heart of the matter. Jephthah (Hebrew “Yiftach” meaning “he will open or release”) did not offer his daughter as…
Gen 6.2 tells us that “the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives to themselves, whoever they chose.” Genesis in Hebrew is “B’reshit” or “in the beginning” so it is a book…
The book of Galatians is a misunderstood book by many, and we are going to introduce some of the reasons for this, but it will not be in detail. For that we refer you to our verse-by-verse study of the…
Yehovah will bring us into struggles and battles plain and simple, no doubt about it. Why does he do this and how should we handle them? The simple answer is he is trying to teach us something. Spiritual warfare is…
Deut 8.11 says, “Beware, lest you forget the Lord your God by not keeping his commandments and his ordinances and his statutes, which I am commanding you today.” As Israel went through life, they were not to forget the Lord…
This is a very mystical (Hebrew “Sowd” meaning a hidden, deeper meaning) expression, and this expression is directly related to another expression, “the veil (singular) of the Temple was torn (Matt 27.51; Mark 15.38).” The veil that was torn when…
There are some who still believe that the Earth is that old. We are not going to give any validity to the Theory of Evolution here because it takes more faith to believe evolution than to believe God created the…
To fully develop this concept, it would take hours and hours because there is so much in the Scriptures about it. For a more detailed look into this subject, we refer you to our four-part teaching called, “Is America Babylon”…
This is a concept that is totally misunderstood by many today. The Scriptures tell us that there are several ways to give, and the two main areas are Biblical Giving and Tithing. Tithing (Hebrew “Terumat ha Maaser”) is not required…
This term is used by Paul to illustrate several concepts. These concepts are not understood by most believers as they read the Renewed Covenant, and it leads to a great deal of misunderstanding. The word “law” is “Torah” in Hebrew…
People have been led to believe that the “new” testament has replaced the “old” testament, meaning one does not have to keep (obey) the Torah anymore. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For the past 100 years or so…
We are going to discuss how the coming of Yeshua fits into the Exodus story we have just discussed. We believe that when Yeshua returns he will return to Mount Sinai and follow the same route Moses and the sons…
Why did God put so much emphasis on coming to this particular mountain, in this particular wilderness? Why didn’t he just bring them into the land? Why not give the Torah on Mount Zion or Mount Moriah? Does God do…
We know that Mount Sinai was called the “mountain of God” in Exo 3.12 and Jabal-AL-Lawz fits the biblical description. It is east of the Gulf of Aqaba, south of Edom, and in Midian. Evidence presented in books is not…
To know where Mount Sinai is, we must know where Midian is, and we must totally discard the traditional site of Sinai that goes back to the fourth century and Helena. We know Moses was tending the sheep of Jethro…
Now we are going to deal with the crossing of the Red Sea. We have already stated that Moses journeys from Harawa (Suchos, Sukkot) with the bones of Joseph, and Pharaoh hears that they have “fled” (Exo 14.5-8). He knew…
We know from Exo 2.15-16 that Moses fled to Midian in northwest Arabia. The TYndale Bible Dictionary has a good article on Midian. Looking at the areas around Midian on a map we have names kike Kedar, Edom, Sela (Petra)…