How Well Do You Know The Scriptures-Part 1

Many people have grown up in “church” and then try to understand the Scriptures from a Hebrew perspective, and find themselves confused. They study from this teacher and that teacher and many times they conflict with each other. It has been our experience that most do not know what they are talking about. Several messianic leaders have led people astray on numerous occasions and people get hurt, too, all because they don’t understand the Scriptures.

We have been asked many times where to start with someone who feels the Lord is calling them out of Replacement Theology Christianity, or some other religion, to learn the Scriptures as they were meant to be understood, from a Hebrew mindset. What we are going to present is a test to see how well you know the Scriptures. If you don’t do very well at first, it’s because you have been taught from a Greek, western, replacement theology mindset and you should consider yourself as someone who doesn’t know the Scriptures. But don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. If that is the case, we are going to present several categories that you need to start mastering in order to understand the Scriptures.

Why study the things we are going to present? Because the Bible always comes from the context that you are thoroughly familiar with these things. So first, we are going to give you a test. You should be able to answer these questions correctly in thirty minutes to an hour at the most. If you can’t, then you do not know the Scriptures the way you should. This is not done to humiliate anyone, but you need to know where you are at and you need to know what to work on, and it will explain why you may be struggling to understand certain things. Like they say, you can’t fix something if you don’t it is broken. So, let’s see how well you know the Scriptures.
1) What is the Tanak?
2) Name the three parts of the Tanak and what they mean?
3) List 10 eschatological titles found in Scripture of the Messiah?
4) The first day of creation was what day on the Hebrew calendar?
5) How many calendars are in operation in the Scriptures?
6) What is the eschatological name for the Garden of Eden?
7) Give four names for the place of the righteous dead?
8) List four nations that ruled over Israel, in order.
9) List the four ages that make up the 7000 year plan of God.
10) Who is Azazel and what festival is Azazel associated with?
11) What festival is the betrothal of Israel associated with?
12) List five titles for Yehovah.
13) What day is Haggai 1.1 referring to and what begins on that day?
14) What month is being referred to in Neh 7.73?
15) What day is it in Gen 7.11?
16) List the four levels of interpretation and what each means.
17) What festival is being referred to with the idiom “the last trump?”
18) What festival is being referred to with the idiom “the great trump?”
19) What festival is being referred to with the idiom “the first trump?”
20) Where is the Shephelah Valley?
21) Name the five main “korbanot” in the Temple.
22) Draw a basic Temple floorplan, including the main courts, buildings and gates.
23) Where was Joseph living in Egypt?
24) List the Hebrew months of the civil calendar.
25) List the Hebrew months of the religious calendar.
26) What day is referred to in Neh 8.2?
27) What festival is associated with the burial of Yeshua?
28) The next festival to be fulfilled on the prophetic calendar is __________?
29) The Passover lamb was to be inspected for how many days?
30) Bethlehem means what in Hebrew?
31) Write the letter “shin” in Hebrew?
32) Yeshua died “between the evenings” or at ________?
33) Draw on a straight line the 7000 year plan of God, and fill in the four time periods with their Hebrew and English names.
34) On what day of the prophetic calendar does the Natzal occur?
35) True or false, Sukkot is the Day of Atonement?
36) List the seven Biblical festivals in order.
37) List the Seven Rules of Hillel on interpretation.
38) Define the following: Law, Commandments, Statutes, Judgments and Testimonies.
39) Name four things that will happen on Rosh Ha Shannah, year 6001.
40) Eschatology in the Biblical sense is understood as relating to _____________ and ___________.
41) List at least ten elements of the Basar.
42) The Messiah is the _________ of God and empowered to bring about the Basar. His task is to _______ man and the ________. Believers enter into that __________ by ___________.
43) What are the three elements of faith?
44) Give the two aspects of the Torah’s “dual” nature.
45) In ancient Hebrew, the letter “tav” was shaped like a ______.
46) Eschatology is seen from six reference points. What are they?
47) What is the concept of the two Messiah’s as seen from Scripture?
48) Where is Tophet?
49) Give ten characters from Scripture that are a picture of the false messiah.
50) Name the two teaching styles used by the rabbi’s of the first century. What style did Yeshua use.
51) What is the main theme of the Book of Galatians?
52) Name a very prominent “God-fearer” from Scripture.
53) What does “moed” and “mikrah” mean in Lev 23?
54) In what city can you find the Hebrew letter “shin” on its topography?
55) Paul was a member of the Pharisees, and from what school?
56) Name ten different sects of the “Judaisms” of the first century that can be found in the Scriptures.
57) What was the “hottest” issue in the first century, even among believers?
58) What was the “cock crowing” referring to in Matt 26.74-75?
59) Name the three valleys that are in and around Jerusalem.
60) What is a “mikvah?” What is “rachatz” referring to?
61) What “wilderness” do the Jewish people flee to trying to escape the false messiah in Rev 12.14?
62) Explain the concept of clean and unclean and how it relates to the Mishkan/Temple?
63) Define Kedusha?
64) Define what “keep and observe” means?

These are just a few sample questions, this certainly does not cover all the basics that one should know to properly understand the Scriptures. If this test took you longer than 30 minutes to an hour, then you do not know the Scriptures as well as you should. If you answered them all correctly, then you are well on your way to rightly dividing the Scriptures, congratulations! In Part 2, we will give you some direction on where to start if you didn’t do too well, If you did well, this will give you some direction on where to start if you are dealing with someone who is not familiar with these concepts.

Answers to the test will be in Part 2 of “How well do you know the Scriptures.”

Posted in Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Questions, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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