Zech 2.1-13 shows Zechariah’s third vision and the development of Israel and the Kingdom of God until its final fulfillment. The vision itself is very simple with just a few items being shown to help interpret it.
v 1…Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold there was a man (Hebrew “ish” or an angel that had a human form) with a measuring line in his hand (this is the third vision; God is the owner and he measures the land for new occupants and settlements. This was fulfilled in successive immigrations with Ezra, and later Nehemiah. This will also have a messianic implication).
v 2…So I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Jerusalem (spiritual Jerusalem, only seen with the spiritual eye), to see how wide it is and how long it is (to how it conforms to the Torah).”
v 3…And behold, the angel who was speaking with me (Zech 1.9) was going out (the angel was removed from Zechariah), and another angel (a third) was coming out (from the measuring angel/man in 2.1) to meet him (with a message, sent by the measuring angel/man from 2.1)
v 4…and said to him, “Run, speak to that young man (Zechariah), saying, ‘Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls (idiom for “secure” and peace) because of the multitude of men and cattle (the future glory will be peaceful and prosperous) within it.
v 5…For I, declares the Lord (this angel was sent as a shaliach) will be a wall of fire (protected) around her (Psa 125.2 and I will be the glory (kivod) in her midst (opposite of 1 Sam 4.21 where the glory had departed).”
v 6…Ho there! (in Hebrew “ho” is “hoi” and it is simply a particle of exhortation, and calling for attention, or come to me;). Flee from the land of the north (Babylon; “get out now” in other words. The 144,000 eschatologically will be called to do this-Micah 4.10; Jer 51.6; 50.4; 50.28; Zeph 3.10. They are being told to get out because trouble was coming to Babylon and the land was going into warfare, one by Darius and the other by one of his generals),” declares the Lord, for I have dispersed you as (just like) the four winds of the heavens,” declares the Lord.
v 7… Ho (hoi) Zion (God’s people in Babylon)! Escape, you who are living with the daughter of Babylon (Babylonian inhabitants in any of the cities, towns and villages around her, who are the “daughters” of the harlot. Many Jews stayed in Babylon and did not return with Ezra and Nehemiah).
v 8… For thus says the Lord of hosts (Yehovah Tzavaot or Lord of the armies; when this is used Yehovah is coming from a military position of strength), “After the glory (to display his glory upon the heathen) he has sent me against the nations which plundered you, for he who touches you, touches the apple (“little man” which is an idiom for “pupil”= when someone is looking at you, you appear as a “little man” in their pupil) of his eye (this is also prophetic of the last days when the Jewish people will flee Babylon before her destruction comes, and return to the land. When Yeshua returns, for his glory, he will judge the nations).
v 9…For behold, I will wave my hand over them (Babylon and those who plundered Israel), so that they will be plunder to those who served them. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me (the angel).
v 10… Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion (the cities and towns around Jerusalem); for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst (this is when the Lord helps Israel back to the land, out of Babylon. Eschatologically, this is when Messiah returns-Zeph 3.14-15; Isa 40.10; Isa 62.10; Mal 3.1-3; Ezek 48.35; Zech 14.9),” declares the Lord.
v 11…And many nations (Gentiles) will join themselves to the Lord in that day (the Kingdom of God is not limited to Israel-Eph 2.11-22; it will spread out) and will become my people (Paul’s reason for going to the Gentiles-Rom 11). Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you (this explains the expansion shown to Zechariah in 2.4).
v 12… And the Lord will possess Judah as his portion (Deut 32.9) in the holy land (the land of Yehovah-Hos 9.3) and will again choose Jerusalem (be pleased to have his name there again).
v 13… Be silent (in reverent silence), all flesh, before the Lord; for he is aroused (in judgment that will soon begin; Babylon revolted against the king of Persia and the city was taken) from his holy habitation (heaven-Deut 26.15; Jer 25.30).”
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