This chapter tells us about a vision of four chariots and a command to make crowns of silver and gold for the Messiah, symbolized by Joshua (whose name was Yeshua in Ezra 3.2) the high priest.
v 1…Now I lifted my eyes and looked (this is the eighth vision), and behold, four chariots (that carry the Spirit of God in judgment) were coming forth from between two mountains (a place between the north and the south, which is specifically Jerusalem and Zion and the Mount of Olives-Joel 3.16 and Zech 14.4; the valley of Yehoshaphat-Joel 3.2) and the mountains were bronze mountains (meaning judgment; this valley is the starting point for the chariots, which carry the judgments into the north and south).
v 2… With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses;
v 3… with the third chariot white horses and with the fourth chariot strong speckled horses.
v 4…Then I spoke and said to the angel who was speaking with me, “What are these, my lord?”
v 5… And the angel answered and said to me, “These are the four spirits of heaven, going forth after standing before the Lord of all the earth (to receive God’s commands and execute them in the four corners of the earth to purify a sinful world and eradicate all that is unrighteous, and then renews it),
v 6… with one of which the black horses are going forth to the north country (into the territory covered by the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates) and the white ones go forth after them (Greece leading to victory over the power of the Medes and Persians), while the speckled ones go forth to the south country (Romans into Egypt-Dan 11-the north and the south were the two main seats of power who were hostile to Israel).
v 7…When the strong ones went out, they were eager to go to patrol the earth (judgment over the whole earth through sword, pestilence and famine).”
v 8… Then he cried out to me and spoke to me saying, “See, those who are going to the land of the north have appeased my wrath in the land of the north (by Zechariah’s day; the Mesopotamian power of Babylon had been punished).”
v 9… The word of the Lord also came to me saying (the ninth vision; now we are leaving the apocalyptic visions for straight prophecy about a mediator of the redemption who is a priestly king that builds the kingdom of God and causes it to be a great power over the heathen kingdoms),
v 10…”Take from the exiles (who had come from Babylon), from Heldai (“robust), Tobijah (“goodness of God”), and Jedaiah (“God knows”); and you go the same day and enter the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah, where they have arrived from Babylon.
v 11…And take silver and gold (the offering came from those in Babylon), make a crown (Hebrew “atarot”= “crowns” which were probably entwined gold and silver) and set it on the head of Joshua (whose name in Hebrew is Yeshua-Ezra 3.1-4 and the same guy in Haggai 1 and 2. This prophecy with Ezra 3.1-2 actually gives you the name of the Messiah) the son of Jehozadak, the high priest (Yeshua is the first high priest after the captivity, prophetic of another Yeshua who will be the first high priest after the second captivity).
v 12… Then say to him, “Thus says the Lord of hosts (when this is used Yehovah is coming from a military position of power), ‘Behold (take note and see), a man whose name is the Branch (Hebrew “tzemach” and a term for the Messiah-Jer 23.5-6; Jer 33.15-16; Zech 3.8. It has the same gematria as “comforter” which is another name for the Messiah. Yeshua lived in Nazareth which means “the branch” so this is prophetic of the Messiah), for he will branch out (we have seen in the previous vision how the world’s kingdoms covered the earth. Messiah’s kingdom will be greater than all of them and will be together as one-Dan 2.35) from where he is; and he will build the Temple of the Lord (which Joshua helped to do, but Yeshua will build the Temple after he returns-see Ezekiel chapters 40 through 48).
v 13… Yes, it is he who will build the Temple of the Lord, and he who will bear the honor (Hebrew “hod” meaning the crowns, used to mean regal majesty and used in Jer 22.18; 1 Chr 29.25; Dan 11.21. It is used to describe those on whom God has conferred majesty-Num 27.20. It is also used to describe the glory of the kingdom of Solomon-1 Chr 29.25) and sit and rule on his throne (using his regal power for the people and their welfare; alludes to “kingship.” In Zech 3 we saw Joshua as the branch, a religious leader, and in chapter 4 we saw Zerubbalel as the governor, or civil leader. In Chapter 6 we see the religious and civil offices combined as pictures of the Messiah and these offices brought together. In Ezekiel chapters 40 through 48 there are words used that convey much imagery and concepts, but there is not one verse where the high priest is mentioned, but the Prince is! He is both the Nasi, a civil administrator, and a religious leader. So, Messiah may descend from a priestly line also. That is not a new belief. The Essenes believed it to be so. In the Book of Luke we have the genealogy of Yeshua, and you will see many priestly names there. This is the genealogy of Mary and we know she was related to Elizabeth who was a daughter of Aaron-Luke 1.5. Yeshua was related to John the Baptist, who was a priest), and the counsel of peace will between the two offices (between the kingly and priestly offices. This also alludes to the fact that Yeshua will rule as both king and priest).
v 14… Now the crown (crowns) will become a reminder in the Temple of the Lord (the crown combination were taken off and placed in the Temple to remind all that the promised Messiah was to come) to Helem (Heldai of v 10), Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen (meaning “favor” and another name for Josiah in v 10) the son of Zephaniah (“God hides”).
v 15…And those who are afar off (from Babylon) will come and build the Temple of the Lord (and place their treasures there).’ Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. And it will take place, if you completely obey the Lord your God (and build the Temple and obey the Torah. Then the Messiah will come to them. Meanwhile, they are still cast away “branches” until they are grafted in again on the Branch, or Messiah in their own olive tree-Zech 3.8; 12.10-12; Matt 23.9; Rom 11.16-24).”
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