The Facts Concerning the Exodus-Part VII

Why did God put so much emphasis on coming to this particular mountain, in this particular wilderness? Why didn’t he just bring them into the land? Why not give the Torah on Mount Zion or Mount Moriah? Does God do anything without a reason or plan?

We know there are three mountains of God. We have Mount Sinai in Exo 3, we have Mount Moriah in Isa 2, and we have Mount Zion in Jer 31. We must go back to Sinai first because there is a process. Replacement Theology has been around for over 1700 years, but we are coming to realize that the Torah (Sinai) is not for salvation, but for instruction. We are on a journey and we are going to see that the Messiah will come to Mount Sinai in his return, then through Petra, the Zered and Arnon Valley, and come to Jerusalem in the very footsteps of Moses as he brought Israel to the land. This will be shown beyond a reasonable doubt and not a case of Jewish tradition or midrashim. We will show you Scripture upon Scripture. But the question is, why Sinai? The enemy has robbed us of the things God has given us to teach us. But we know from prophecy that everything that has happened before will happen again. It is like a blueprint.

Deut 1.1-9 tells us about a place called Kadesh Barnea, meaning “holy place of the desert wandering.” In Deut 1.19 we learn that they come to Kadesh Barnea and the spies are sent out from there. We know that Mount Seir is given to Esau, and they are told to go through Edom, so Kadesh Barnea must be south of there Deut 2.1-5). We know that Miriam dies in Kadesh Barnea (Num 20.1). Moses sends a message to Edom from Kadesh in Num 20.14. Kadesh is described as a “city on the edge of your border” so it must be south.

The traditional site is wrong and it is thought to be Kadesh Barnea because a piece of pottery was found with “Kadesh” upon it. When the site was examined, there was only a small city there, not a place for two million people. No graves before Solomon were found there, so where are all the bodies that died at Kadesh Barnea? A whole generation was brought there to die. The archeologists and historians are looking in the wrong place. Kadesh Barnea is not in the Sinai Peninsula, it is south of Edom. Israel left the Faiyum, crossed the Gulf of Suez three days later, went up to the Drek Seir, then south to Midian where they were confronted by the Amalekites, and then on to Mount Sinai. Israel will be north of Sinai, in the vicinity of the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba), near a highway called “the King’s Highway” (Num 20.17) and they will travel east of it as they come up north to the land.

The King’s Highway starts in a place called today as Wadi Rum (valley of the moon). You can locate it on any map, and you will find it is a huge area of nearly 300 square miles. This is Kadesh Barnea or Wadi Rum, and it fits all the biblical descriptions (Deut 8.15). It is famous even today for snakes and vipers, and we know that the Brazen Serpent incident happened there in Num 21. The movie “Lawrence of Arabia” was filmed there and he said once that there was a cure for snake bites, “You bind up the wound, read the Koran to the person until he died.” Horned vipers, or fiery serpents, are all over the area, plus scorpions. There is no water there but lots of room.

The Ammonites said that Israel took all their land in Judges 11.13, but Jephthah answers in Judges 11.16 that they came from the Red Sea to Kadesh Barnea and did not take away their land. So we know Kadesh is near the Red Sea. This area could have easily had room for 2 million people

We know that Miriam dies in Kadesh and she is buried on a mountain there (Josephus, Antiquities, Book 4, Chapter 4, Paragraph 6; Num 20.1). The first ashes of the Red Heifer ceremony was there. As they leave Kadesh (Deut 2.3-6) they travel up the King’s Highway and come to the borders of Edom, and then to Mount Hor (Num 20.22-23). We have the death of Aaron in Num 20.24-29; Josephus, Antiquities, Book 4, Chapter 4, Par. 7). Mount Hor is near Petra where he died. By looking into the past we will have a glimpse of the future.

Israel heads north and comes to Bozrah on the King’s Highway. In Num 21.12 they come to the Zered Valley. In Num 21.13 they come to the Arnon Valley, and then to the Jabbok Valley in Num 21.24-25, and then to Mount Nebo. Then to Heshbon, then to Jericho through the Heshbon Valley in Num 22.1.

The Jabbok Valley relates to prophecy because Jacob came there to Peniel. We will have Sukkot and Machanaim there. David will build a fortress and will flee from Absalom there. Pella was the place where during the first Jewish revolt against Rome believers fled to. Near Pella, Elijah was hidden for 1260 days in a famine. So why are all these places important? In the conclusion, we will talk about the second coming of Yeshua and show you how these places will be involved. On Rosh Ha Shannah, year 6001 from creation, the Natzal of the believers will take place. Ten days later on Yom Kippur the 2520 days of the BIrth-pains begin. After the first 1260 days, the False Messiah will persecute Israel, and they will flee into the wilderness with “wings of a great eagle” which means help from heaven, the same wilderness we have been showing (Rev 12.1-17). Where have we heard that before? Israel will be protected in the wilderness again and await the coming of Yeshua, who will gather them and come to Jerusalem, arriving on Yom Kippur (Matt 24.29-31).

In conclusion, we need to keep these places in mind, and we will pick up with the second coming of Yeshua.

Posted in All Teachings, Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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