The Second Coming of the Messiah-Part 7

In Leviticus 16, we have the Yom Kippur ceremony. We are going to look at this from when the Temple stood so that we can better understand how this relates to the false messiah and the coming of Yeshua. Two goats were brought to the Nicanor Gate in the Temple, facing the Holy of Holies. Two lots for these goats were kept in what is called the Kalphi box, with “L’Adonai” written on one, and “L’Azazel” written on the other. The High Priest picks one up with his right hand and the other with his left. The right goat was “L’Adonai” meaning “for the Lord” and this goat would continue to face west towards the Holy of Holies. Now, when you were in the Temple, you never turned your back on the Holy of Holies because that the the “throne room” of the Lord and to do so would be disrespectful. However, the Azazel goat is turned around, facing east, and a “shanni” (crimson) cloth was tied to its horns. Its backside was towards the Holy of Holies.

The Adonai goat is sacrificed and the blood is sprinkled in the Holy of Holies, mixed with the blood of a bull later and sprinkled again. The Azazel goat is led out of the Temple, out the East Gate and across a special bridge across the Kidron Valley to a place called Azal (the rock Chudo), about 12 miles away, southeast of Jerusalem. Ten men were assigned to take it in a “relay” to the rock Chudo. Once there, the cloth is taken off the horns and it is hung on the rock. Then the goat is pushed backwards off the cliff and it is torn to shreds as it falls. The Shanni cloth turned white, and this is a direct application to Isa 1.18.

The Talmud says that in the last 40 years of the Temple (from Yeshua’s death), there were four bad signs that occurred before the Temple was destroyed. The lot for “L’Adonai” (“to the Lord”) did not come up in the right hand of the High Priest ever again, the “Ner Elohim” light (the middle one) on the Menorah went out constantly, the Nicanor Gates opened by themselves and the Shanni (crimson) cloth did not turn white (History of the Jewish People: Second Temple Period by Mesorah Publications, pa 153). In 30 AD, Yeshua dies, marking the beginning of that last 40 years and the last generation. In Matt 23.37-39, Yeshua predicted this. Azazel means “wilderness” and it is a proper name for a demon. This name is a term for the false messiah. This is an important point to remember when studying Bible prophecy and the demuse of the false messiah.

Now, Russia will attack Israel on a Rosh ha Shannah (a Yom ha Din) at the “turning of the year”, the third year of the Birthpains, and that is what Micah 1 is referring to in prophecy, and it follows Sennacherib’s route through the Shephelah Valley. But on Yom Kippur (a Yom ha Din), Russia is defeated by the Lord, exactly what he did with Hezekiah. The expression “turn of the year” (Exo 23.16, 34.22) means that Rosh ha Shannah is the “new year.” but it extends past Tishri 22 of Sukkot. This term includes Rosh ha Shannah and Shemini Atzeret (eighth day) of Sukkot. When Russia attacks, they will bring their full weight on Israel. Her army will include Gomer, Togarmah, Persia, Libya and Ethiopia and many others (Ezek 38.5; Psa 83.1-8). Israel will be overrun like in the time of Hezekiah. For three years, the 144,000 have been preaching that Yeshua is the Messiah and the redemption in Israel, along with the Two Witnesses. Israel will collectively believe and humble themselves, like Hezekiah, and the Lord will intervene and destroy the Russians, like the Assyrians (Ezek 39.22; Rom 11.25-26; Isa 10.12, 10.17, 10.20-22).

In a book by Mesorah Publications on Ezekiel, p 581, there was an oral tradition from V. Gaon from a book called the “Chevlai Shell Mashiach”, p 134, which means the “Birth-pains of the Messiah.” It said, “When Russia passes through the Bosporus (on the way to the Mediterranean through the Dardanelles) it will be time to welcome the Messiah.” In Ezek 39.12, it says Israel will be burying the dead and the land will be unclean. This is from Tishri 10 to Iyar 10. After Israel flees the false messiah on Nisan 10, they celebrate Passover one month late in the wilderness, on Iyar 14 (Num 9.10-11). So, what we have here is this. We have the first significant Rosh ha Shannah to Yom Kippur right at the beginning of the Day of the Lord, where the Natzal, the calling of the 144,000, the destruction of the USA and the rise of the false messiah occur. Then there are three years, and then we come to the next significant Rosh ha Shannah to Yom Kippur. This is when Russia attacks Israel on Rosh ha Shannah and destroyed on Yom Kippur.

On Tishri 6, man was created and the next day was a Sabbath. On Tishri 10, man fell, so there was four days in between, which picture the 4000 years from creation when Messiah came and redeemed his people, like he did Adam. That is why Yom Kippur, Tishri 10, is considered the day Adam fell. Moses went up Mount Sinai two times, signifying the two comings of Messiah. The second time he went up from Elul 1 to Tishri 10, so he came down on Yom Kippur, just like Yeshua will. On Rosh ha Shannah, Russia will invade Israel, and ten days later, on Yom Kippur, they will be defeated.

Now, if Yeshua returns on a Yom Kippur (Matt 24.30-31), then the Birth-pains begin on a Yom Kippur. That means the exact half-way point of the Birth-pains will be Nisan 10. Why is that day significant? It is the day that Yeshua rode into Jerusalem in what is called the “triumphal entry” and was declared the Messiah. During the Birth-pains, the false messiah will declare that he his God (2 Thes 2). A statue of him is placed in the Temple of God on Adar 10 (Dan 12.11). He then kills the Two Witnesses on Nisan 10 one month later, and the Jewish people flee to the wilderness of Moab and Jordan (Rev 12; Isa 16.1-5, from Petra in the south to Pella in the north) and the Lord speaks to the Jordanians to “hide the outcasts” and fugitives who are fleeing the false messiah (Isa 16.3). Matt 25 and the judgment of the sheep and goats may be referring to this effort to help those fleeing the false messiah, his “brothers”, and they will be judged on how they responded to them in their time of need (Jer 48.28; Isa 21.13-15). What do we learn? The Jews flee to Petra, Pella, the Arnon Valley and the Jabbok River. The ancient Moabites (Jordanians) will hide them, feed them, clothe them and give them water by faith (Emunah). Yeshua rewards them in Matt 25, and many others, for their kindness. In contrast, during the first redemption with Moses, the Edomites and Moabites refused to help. In the second redemption with Yeshua, they will help.

Isa 42.10-11 says that they will sing “a new song” and this is an idiom for “Messiah is coming, or has come.” Psa 96 and Psa 98 are read at the beginning of the Sabbath, along with Psa 95, 97, 99 and 29, for a total of six psalms. This alludes to the 6000 years. Psalm 92, the seventh psalm, is the only psalm called a “Psalm for the Sabbath Day.” These psalms were chosen because they were about the Sabbath and the coming of the Messiah. The term “new song” is understood to be a song that can only be taught by the Messiah when he comes. The word for “song” in Hebrew is “shirah” (feminine) but here it is “shir” which is masculine. Why? Because the Messiah has come, no more “birth-pains.” Right now we have an 8-note scale called an “octave.” The Kinnor (harp) has ten strings, and a Nevel has 22 strings. The “new song” in the Messianic Kingdom will be a 10-note scale, which Messiah will teach us when he comes. We cannot hear these two notes right now. The word for “wind” and “spirit” in Hebrew is “ruach” (like in the Ruach ha Kodesh, or Holy Spirit). The Kinnor and Nevel can be played by “the wind” and it can play all 22 strings on the Nevel at the same time. These 22 strings are linked to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the “Word” and it also relates to the first and last letter of the alphabet, aleph and tav, which signifies the Lord, the beginning and end, the first and the last. If you take the Hebrew letters aleph, mem and tav, it spells the word for “truth.” So, when you tie all this in with Rev 14.1-3 and the 144,000 (playing their harps and singing a new song), you will have a deeper meaning of what is being communicated there. In Part 8, we will pick up here and continue to describe events at the mid-point of the Birth-pains, with many concepts associated with these events that will help you understand the second coming of the Messiah in a better light.

Posted in Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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