Torah and New Testament Foundations-Understanding the Redemption-Part 37

The main theme we have been talking about is the Redemption. The Redemption will occur during the Hebrew month of Tishri, the time Of Rosh Ha Shannah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. In the Artscroll commentary on Ezekiel, p 580, it says, “A portion of our two chapters (Ezek 38.18 to 39.16) is the Haftorah of the intermediate Sabbath of Sukkot (Megillah 31a: this tells us what the readings were when the Temple stood). According to Rashi, the reason is that the wars of Gog and Magog are also the subject of Zech 12, which is the Haftorah of the first day of Sukkot (Tishri 15) and which, in Rashi’s view, were chosen because of the prediction contained in it that those nations who would survive the wars would join Israel every year in celebrating the Sukkot festival. Nimukei Yosef to Megillah quotes a tradition from R.Hai Gaon that the victory over Gog and Magog will take place in the month of Tishri, the same month within which Sukkot occurs.” Now, Ezek 37 deals with the “Dry Bones Prophecy” and the regathering of Israel, and the promise of the Messiah. The Mishkan and the Temple will be rebuilt and then the war with Gog and Magog.

It is believed that the Final Redemption would come in Tishri. Assyria (a picture of Russia) would be defeated in Tishri according to Isaiah, and that which has been done before will happen again. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 occurred in Tishri. The Russians attacked during Yom Kippur, but they won’t make that mistake again. The Israeli army was easily called up to the front because they were home or in synagogues and they rushed to the front, ending the war because they were united together very quickly. But, next time they will attack on Rosh Ha Shannah when people are more scattered. The Russians will be defeated by Sukkot.

The Birth-pains will begin on Yom Kippur, ten days after the catching away and the gathering of the believers. This will be the first significant Rosh Ha Shannah to Yom Kippur of the Birth-pains. The second significant Rosh Ha Shannah to Yom Kippur is when Russia attacks Israel on Rosh Ha Shannah at the end of the third year, and the beginning of the fourth year of the Birth-pains. The third significant Rosh Ha Shannah to Yom Kippur will be at the end of the seventh year of the Birth-pains, when Yeshua returns to Jerusalem on Yom Kippur (Matt 24).

Everything we will be reading in these Servant Passages from Isa 57 to 66 will be dealing with these two festivals, and both are called a Yom Ha Din, a “Day of Judgment.” Isa 63.1-3 says that a question is asked about who is coming from Edom (where Petra is). This individual has garments of glowing colors from Bozrah (the fold). Bozrah was wine country. It says that this one is “majestic in his apparel”, marching in the “greatness of his strength.” Yeshua is advancing on Jerusalem (Hab 3.3-16, Rev 14 14-20; Deut 16.13; Joel 3.13; Zech 14.4). This individual (Yeshua) says, “It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.” The people ask, “Why is your apparel red and your garments like one who treads the wine press (Gen 49.8-12; Rev 14.14, 19.16)?” He says, “I have trodden the wine trough alone, and from the peoples there was no man with me. I also trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath; and their lifeblood is sprinkled on my garments, and I stained all my raiment.” Rev 14 is written in a chiastic structure and it gives an overview of the seven year Birth-pains. This scene in Isa 63 is also talked about in Rev 14.14-20. These two chapters are linked together by “Remez.”

Isa 63.4 talks about “the day of vengeance” because Messiah is the “avenger of blood” and the Goel, the “Kinsman Redeemer.” In Num 35.6-34 we have the Cities of Refuge and the avenger of blood. There is an eschatological picture here, along with Isa 63.4. Heb 6.18-20 is related to this verse and to our own salvation. These verses tell us that the Mishkan was the seventh place of refuge. Heb 6 says that we are to “flee” inside the veil, for the sinner “flees” for refuge in the presence of God. Are we guilty of murder? Yes, our sins caused Yeshua to be murdered by the injustice of man (Acts 4.10; 1 Pet 2.23). The “avenger of blood” will take those guilty and slay them. If one rejects Yeshua, his blood is on their hands. The person who has faith and accepts Yeshua, even though his sin “caused his death” not realizing it the end result, is guilty of manslaughter (not murder, like in Num 35.6-34). He is allowed to stay in the place of refuge as long as the High Priest lives (which is forever-Heb 6.20, 7.24; John 3.18). He is a priest forever according to the order of Melchi-zedek (Psa 110.4) in the Olam Haba. So, the seventh (completeness) place of refuge, based on Num 35.25 and Heb 6.18-20, was “inside the veil” and our High Priest lives on in the Olam Haba. Inside the veil of the Mishkan, on the western wall straight ahead, there were six boards, and these allude to the six Cities of Refuge.

Isa 63.4 also talks about “the year of redemption” and this is the Yovel year, which begins on a Yom Kippur. This Yovel year is translated “Jubilee” but that is a misleading concept. The Yovel year was every fifty years and it has not been practiced since the First Temple period. Lev 25.1-4 talks about the Shemittah, a seven year period. You start counting the Shemittah on a Tishri 1. Lev 25.8-12 says that you count seven sabbatical years (seven times seven in years) and that would equal forty-nine years. Then you would sound a “ram’s horn (a shofar, a teruah) on Tishri 10 (Yom Kippur). The fiftieth year is “set apart” and has a special “kedusha” on it. That is the time to “proclaim a release” or “liberty.” So, a Yovel year is on a Yom Kippur, and Messiah is coming on a Yom Kippur. Isa 63 establishes that, along with Rev 14, Matt 24. This will be at the end of the Birth-pains. Rev 14 establishes that in its chiastic structure.

As we go through the coming passages, we should be able to tell by the context whether it is a Rosh Ha Shannah or Yom Kippur of the first, third or last year of the Birth-pains.

In Part 38, we are going to go back to Isa 59 and bring out more concepts about the redemption and the coming of Messiah, going all the way to Isa 66. We went out of order here in order to bring the above concepts about the redemption at this time, but we will pick right back up in Isa 59 in Part 38.

Posted in All Teachings, Articles, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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