Why Are There So Many Religions?

This answer will be short and to the point. There are only two religions in the world, God’s instruction in the Torah given to the Jewish people in the wilderness, and everyone else’s. In truth, there is only one religion: the one God gave at Mount Sinai. The Scriptures testify to that fact through its historical accuracy and prophetic utterances. We are not to add to this word; like some “religions” do, nor are we to detract from that word, as other belief systems do (Deut 4.2; 1 Cor 4.6; Rev 22.18-19). The Torah is to be obeyed as it applies to everyone (Num 15.14-16; Ecc 12.13;1 Cor 7.17-19). There is but one faith delivered to the saints, the true believers in Yehovah and his Messiah. The book of Jude was written to combat the heresy that the Torah is no longer valid, and is very similar to Second Peter. It was written to encourage believers to fight against false prophets and the teachers of false doctrine. Jude 3 says, “Beloved, while I was making every effort to write to you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once (this was written in the first century, so it is past tense here; this faith had already been given at Sinai to Moses in what is called the Torah/Law) for all delivered to the saints.” Since this was written before Christianity, this “faith” cannot be Christianity. Every other religion is false if it is different than what is found in the Law of Moses, and it is just that simple. We should not be focusing on all the counterfeit religions out there, but focusing on the Torah and how it applies to a Torah-based believer in Yeshua. People do not want to follow the Lord and this mindset goes all the way back to Genesis. Because of that civilizations who did not follow the truth invented their own beliefs systems to suit themselves, their own plans, and to maintain control over their people, or for a variety of other reasons.

Posted in All Teachings, Idioms, Phrases and Concepts, Prophecy/Eschatology, The Festivals of the Lord, The Tanak, Tying into the New Testament

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